Drawing Hillshade by Hand with Pencils. A tutorial (with time-lapse videos)
Learn how to hand draw beautiful shaded relief hillshades in this 6-step tutorial.
Animated Flyover Map in ArcGIS Pro and Adobe After Effects
Building maps often requires multiple software applications. In fact, I cannot recall a map that I’ve made in the last...
Reimagining the John Snow Cholera Map with Animation
Last week marked Esri’s annual User Conference in San Diego, and what a conference it was! It’s always fun to...
3D Shading & Rendering in Illustrator: A Globe
In a few quick steps, you can give a circle-shaped vector path a 3D-rendered appearance in Adobe Illustrator. I’m a...
A Glimpse of the USPS Landscape with Maps
By the time I publish this, I will have just finished presenting at the 40th annual North American Cartographic Information...